Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wrath of Kings

Well with GAMA over and Wrath of Kings finally announced I can finally start talking about it!!!  WOOO!!! So excited!

So in the upcoming Episode of the ToA video blog, I'll be introducing a few things and letting you all in on some basics, things like faction names, a bit about the game style and a little bit of what's planned for GenCon.

In the meantime my new pal Aaron Lovejoy just posted up some new photo's of the work he did for GAMA - no get this there's 19 figures he did for GAMA in 18 DAYS!!! HOLY COW! That's some serious paintwork!

Marvel at these for a few!

Aaron is not only phenominally quick but he's a multiple Demon winner with some serious skillz as well!!!

His homepage which he admittedly doesn't upkeep very often can be found here:

But he does update the faceboox regular like and you can find him on the faceboox here:


I'll be showing of few of these up close this weekend on the ToA video blog!  Keep an eye out!

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